Today, I realized no one is coming to save me

Nancy jones
Nancy Jones is a superhero and the kind of friend every special needs mom should have. She is an author, blogger, and entrepreneur whose focus is to uplift and encourage special needs mothers through challenges specific to raising their children. Advocating for her own son, diagnosed with ADHD, SPD, ODD, Global Developmental Delay and Anxiety, has made her a champion for special needs advocacy. Nancy’s transparency about her difficulties with her son and warm authentic advice has garnered her the trust of many. She can be counted on to share advice over wine and tears or prayer. Nancy worked for thirty years in corporate sales and marketing but has traded that in to raise her son. She is passionate about foster care, early intervention, IEP’s and programs that undergird and support this community. Nancy’s goal is to ensure her son and children like him are granted the space to be their authentic selves, unapologetically. She continually works to educate and enlighten, to create more of that freedom. Nancy is a single mother to the most loving, handsome boy, Isaiah, who is the love and joy of her life. Nancy loves Avengers and DC Comics, baking bread from scratch while blaring Sade, anything camo and family movie nights. To learn more about Nancy Jones, and her adventures with Isaiah, visit:
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